
Our Arctic Russia Tours range in budget from $1000 to $8000 per person, assuming maximum group numbers. Here you can find all our tours handily sorted into several different price categories. Price categories on this page are based on price per person in a group with the maximum number of guests possible for that tour. To see what that number is, you can click on the relevant tour below to visit its page. There you will find an exact price calculator for different group sizes.

Every tour is also available as a private trip for one person with no other guests in your group. If you want a private tour for one person, price categories on this page will of course not accurately reflect the price you will pay for your tour. To see the exact price you will pay for a private 1-person tour, you can click on the relevant tour below and visit its page. You then need to find the price calculator and select “1” as the number of people.

As you can see, our tours get more expensive the further east you go.

Our Arctic Russia Tours range in budget from $1000 to $8000 per person, assuming maximum group numbers. Here you can find all our tours handily sorted into several different price categories. Price categories on this page are based on price per person in a group with the maximum number of guests possible for that tour. To see what that number is, you can click on the relevant tour below to visit its page. There you will find an exact price calculator for different group sizes.

Every tour is also available as a private trip for one person with no other guests in your group. If you want a private tour for one person, price categories on this page will of course not accurately reflect the price you will pay for your tour. To see the exact price you will pay for a private 1-person tour, you can click on the relevant tour below and visit its page. You then need to find the price calculator and select “1” as the number of people.

As you can see, our tours get more expensive the further east you go.